Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today was a good day...

Shout out to "The Chad" - I heard your song today while riding.

This weekend was really good. I shot down to Tyler and got in 2 and ahalf hours w nate on the back roads of east texas. and when I say back road I use the term loosly. I dont know if thta road in Troup counts as road. I got in two hours today out around Benbrook lake. Such a nice day out.

I weighed in this weekend and came in at 199 - 17lbs lost total since 12/24 - Very happy about that. Feeling good for the upcoming weekend.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here is one near the end of the race
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Here is a shot of me racing int he Crit this past weekend. Im the one in black
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Benbrook Ride

I got in a great ride today with 7 other guys - The local group rides are picking up now that the time changed. I got in 30 miles at a good pace. It felt good streting out my legs after the beating I took this weekend. I need to remember to bring my dang camera along.


The races went great this weekend. Nate and his wife came into town and we all had a good time. I took 24th in the time trial out of 61 riders and managed to cover 12.5 miles in 32 mins 29 secs. Nate got me by 12 seconds. He rode a really great TT considering he's skin and bones lol. I also took a pack finish in the Criterium that afternoon finishing with an avg speed of 23.5 mph which I had to bury myself to make it to the finish with the lead group. I paid for it on Sunday though and didn't last long in the road race. Thats ok though. I needed a good ass kicking. Countdown to Fayettville - two weeks.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Been fighting some sotr of stomach bug latly - Been getting to ride though.

The race in walburg was a complet bust. Did pretty good till about 3/4 of the way through the firs lap and we turned into a 35 mph headwind. The whole pack exlpoded lol. Got in a great ride with my boy Dave Bunce the next day while he was in town.

This past weekend I was in Tyler and got in 56 miles on Sunday with a good group of guys I hadn't seen in a while. I was toast once we where done.

I got my new Time Trial frame in this week and got it together last night. I got in a good ride on it today. Saturday will be a good test to see where my legs are. Hopefully this stomach thing I got goes away soon. Its sappin the energy out of me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Arm me with Harmony

SO this week is going good with training. I got in a good ride monday and a ride this morning before work. I plan on riding again this afternoon and then an hr and a half tomorrow. I got a race coming up this weekend so I won't ride on Friday. Here is the schedule of races leading up to Fayetteville...

Feb 20 - Road Race at Walburg
March 7 - 20k TT in Denton
March 7 - Crit in Denton
March 8 - Road Race in Denton
March 21 & 22 - Fayetteville (2 road races and a time trial)

Also We've had a slight change of plans regarding the catagory I plan to race. I renewed my license and will be racing in the same cat I left off 2 years ago. Gonna be a shock to the legs but things are oging well so I'm optomistic about it. Here is a shot of my ride Friday night along the trinity near downtown....

Also - if you can't figure out the title to this blog its a lyric from my song of the ride -WORD!

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Monday, February 9, 2009

I know I know

There has been a flood of email requests inquiring what the hell I've been doing...well I haven't been sitting on my ass Ive been riding lol. Last weekend Nate came into town and we got in 85 miles over the weekend and hooked up with a group of 8 riders towards the end of our ride on sunday. all would have been well had I not hit that patch of gravel and busted my ass. Oh well it happens.

I started upping my intensity last week also. Did my first set of intervals for the year and threw in a day of just hill fun.

Then this last weekend I went to Longview and rode the "Freeze your Fanny" ride. It was alot of fun getting to see a bunch of folks I hadn't seen in a long time. I got in 60 miles on saturday at a good pace. At mile 21 I got dropped on a steep climb and I really think I could have got back on with the group (even for just a few more miles) had they hadn't of started attacking . When I got dropped we where averaging almost 22mph and after riding the last 40 miles by myself I finshed up with an 18mph avg. Not bad considering the wind and hills. Over all I was pretty happy.

The next big ride on the horizon is March 7th and 8th in Denton. I have a 20k Time Trial that Saturday morning, a Criterium that afternoon at 4, and a Road Race on Sunday.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


IN Pittsburgh for the week. Coldest place I've ever been to. We're getting inches of snow tonight. Needless to say I didn't bring my bike. I got 2 miles in on the treadmill a little while ago with a cool down on a recumbent bike they have. If you have never been to Pittsburgh I highly reccomend it so far. Its a very cool place. I'll take some pics tomorrow of downtown.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Crappy Weekend

My aspirations for some good mileage this weekedn where dashed on Saturday. I tried to ride but with a windchill in the mid 20's I couldn't stand the wind on my face.

Sunday Kyle Simpson was in town and gave me a ring wanting to go ride. We got in an hour and a half before he had to jet. Still not sure what my plans are for this week. Supossed to leave for Pittsburgh tonight but we'll see. Hadn't even booked the flight yet lol

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday Flat Day

Got in a good night ride Thursday night. Kinda layed around the house to long after work and didn't leave till 930 but it was good non the less. Quite, virtually no traffic. The damn RR tracks got me again tonight though. After losing my light the other day I had a "pinch flat" when I crossed them this time. I guess thats what happens when you hit them at 30 mph lol. Lost my bottle in the process to but I found it.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Ride Wednesday

Got in a good night ride on Wednesday - Was colder than I thought when I left so I came back to the house and put on my tights and the new jacket I scored at the pearl Izumi store last week. The weather looks good the rest of the week - should get in some good time in the saddle. Gonna start looking into specific workouts to help with the "quickness" that im lacking. I can roll up to a good speed and hold it but I dont have that good jump in my legs right now that I know I need.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The weekend

Took Thursday and Friday off last week and took off to Tyler to get some miles in this weekend. On Saturday Nate met me in Van Tx and we rode to his house in Flint. Great ride, great roads, too bad we had a 20mph headwind the whole way. Got in 40 miles though and felt good. On Sunday we took off out of Flint and went through Lake Tyler and the Chapel Hill area through UT Tyler, past the old bike shop I used to work at and back to Flint. We got in 50 miles. I was pretty dead the last 10 miles. The only thing that got me home was the 14yr old chick who said I had a nice ass as we rode by her and her friends LOL. Im assuming she was talking about mine since Nate doesn't have one. BY the way, Speaking of big asses I lost 8lbs over 2 and a half weeks. Not too bad!

I took today off and plan to ride every day the rest of this week. I have to go to Pennsylvania next week so I wont be able to do my regular workouts.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Its a bit nipply out

Got in a good ride tonight - There wasnt much wind but the area I was riding was about 8 to 10 degrees colder than it was at the top of the hill where my apt complex is. I was a bit underdressed but it wasnt too bad. I forgot to take my damn inhaler before I left and I forgot to put it in my pocket. I was about to turn around early and head back but Brandi and Hley where able to meet me as they where heading out for dinner - THANK YOU! - I lost my tail light crossing some railroad tracks so I guess I'll be stopping by the bike shop tomorrow. Oh well

Song of the ride - The Toadies "I come from the water" If you don't have it you must download it immediatly

Monday, January 12, 2009

Rockn out with my light out

Got my first night ride in tonight - To sum it up it was awesome. Really quite, kinda eerie, but cool at the same time. Got lost at the top of "Pill Hill" Couldn't see the road signs and kind of got turned around. No worries. Almost hit a possum on the way back through the park.

Song of the ride - "Rocket Man" by Elton John

I usually skip that one but with the road to myself and the tunnel of light I was following it was fitting

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I ran all night and Day..ay...ay

Song of the ride for Yesterday was " I Ran" By "A Flock of Seagulls"
If you don't have it you need to download it immediatly

My Ride yesterday was good. Got in 2 hours, Same route as Saturday. The wife and I went to the movie tavern and saw Seven Good concept, great acting, just slow for my taste. However my chicken tenders and Miller Lite where delicious.

Gonna get in my night ride on Monday and take tuesday off.

Word to your mother

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nice Ride

Got in a great ride on Saturday - Hadn't been on the bike in a week becaus eof work and everything. It felt good getting in 2 hours on the bike. Actually felt some strength in my legs during the ride too.

So to get ready to ride in 44 degree weather I'm in my wool socks, shoes, shoe coves (light ones), Knee warmers, Bib shorts, A base layer that Pearl doesnt make anymore - it resemble a bulet proof vest in the front to block the wind, Short sleeve Jersey, Arm warmers, long finger gloves, a hat, and a light jacket. While I was cutting through Oakmont Park during my ride I passed the beautiful tall fit long haired brunette - She was runing with a sports bra - Made me feel like an idiot for about 3 seconds then I tried to figure out how to get a picture of her for Dave Bunce but I would have ben Captain Obvious considering we ahere almost the only two people out on the trail. Instead here is a picture at the top of "Pill Hill" - Its part of my night ride route.

OH - I won a hundred bucks a Poker last nigth BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Busy day at work today - beautiful day out - stuck in the office....

I ordered a headlight today from Simpson's so I can get out and ride when I get home from work - The trinity trail is just right down the road so I can easily get my weekly rides in when the weather permits. Excited about getting some miles in this weekend.

I can't find my good tights anywhere - it pissing me off lol

I got my weigh in tomorrow - plan to get a 2 mile run in on the treadmill

Monday, January 5, 2009


The cold blew in last night - no more 75 degree days for a while I guess. I'll be at Spin Class torturing myself from 615 to 715 if anybody wants to join.

Doing great with my food today - Had a protien shake as well as a spinach and turkey wrap for breakfast and subway for lunch.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Funday

Taking today off - I seriously dont think I could make it out of the parking lot LOL -Still fighting some chest congestion too. Gonna hang out and watch the Playoffs today - Baltimore killed Miami already. I plan on hitting the Spin Class tomorrow morning...

I think Im gonna take big Willy for a good walk here shortly

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another Day in the Life

So today was a long one - I did real good as far as my eating went today. Same breakfast a yesterday and a turkey sandwich for lunch. Also took in a protien shake after my ride but indulged on some chicken strips and beer at the Hulen movie tavern.

Started out with getting to the office at 730 - Yes on a saturday and taking a group of my contractors out to the gun range to do some Skeet shooting. Here's Dusty getting ready to scare some clay pigeons....They didnt have much to worry about...

It was another incredible day today and I took advantage - Got in 30 miles with a new route I hadnt ridden before. It was much hillier than I though and just as windy as I had expected. The picture below is at the top of what I'll call Kelly hill....since its on Kelly rd. The picture doesnt do it justice but it was three hills that lead into a good steep section. After I turned off Kelly rd I actually lost my directions at a gas station while I was refueling and didnt realize it until I was getting ready to make the next turn and wanted reference on what I neeeded to do after that. Thank heavens for the internet....and on my phone to boot. I crept in just as it was getting dark.

By the way the wife and I went to see Marley and Me tonight...OMG (yes im 30 and im still allowed to use that acronym)Id have to say thats the only movie Ive ever cried at - A must for dog lovers.

Supposed to be another great dy tomorrow but to be honest I dont know if my ass can handle it. I was REALLY sore today. I dont know what I'll do tomorrow...we'll see.

Friday, January 2, 2009

78 & Sunny

Wow what crazy weather - January 2 and it was about 78 degrees out. I got in my truck to leave work and it was actually hot inside - I took advantadge though and got in about an hour and a half spin in. My ass really hurts from yesterday. A few more days on the bike and I should be done with that. I have to say thats always the worst part about getting back on the bike after you havent ridden in a while.

Here is a shot from the top of "Pill Hill" Downtown Fort Worth is way down yander wayz

This is the exit to Oakmont Park - Not as exciting now that I look at it lol

Shout out

SHout out to my Brother in Law cliff who hooked me up with subway for lunch. I took in a protien shake, piece of cheese toast and a spcial K cereal bar today also. Suppossed be a fantastic day today as far as the weather goes. Hopefully i'll get to take advantage of it. Still feeling kind of run down from the crap ive had for the past few days but we'll see.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day1 - Sort of

Today I decided to rock a blog while training for my first bike race in over 2 years. I havent ridden much over the last 2 years. Life has kind of gotten in the way. Well about a week ago I promised on of my best friends who I drug all across Texas and louisianna back in the day that I would race with him in Fayetteville TX on March 21st. Two road races and a time trial over the course of two days.

This blog will be my story as I begin try to loose the weight I gained (216lbs 12/24/08) and work on regaining the fitness I lost over the past two years. I only have three months so my goal isnt to win the event - Its to finish with the group and have a good time doing it. Ive also decided to no way myself everyday or even every week. Every other week I'll post my results. Next weigh in - January 7.

So today I got in a little over 30 miles - It was a great day to be on the bike - Saw a ton of people out on the Trinity trail. Almost ran over a little girl whos prents wherent paying attention. My original route and plan to ride 40 miles got tossed out the window when I took a wrong turn. I did run into a great climb that kicked my ass. I'll def be back for some more of that. My quads cramped up pretty good a couple miles from home...need to pick up some endurolytes. Might have been run down from being sick this week but oh well.