Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day1 - Sort of

Today I decided to rock a blog while training for my first bike race in over 2 years. I havent ridden much over the last 2 years. Life has kind of gotten in the way. Well about a week ago I promised on of my best friends who I drug all across Texas and louisianna back in the day that I would race with him in Fayetteville TX on March 21st. Two road races and a time trial over the course of two days.

This blog will be my story as I begin try to loose the weight I gained (216lbs 12/24/08) and work on regaining the fitness I lost over the past two years. I only have three months so my goal isnt to win the event - Its to finish with the group and have a good time doing it. Ive also decided to no way myself everyday or even every week. Every other week I'll post my results. Next weigh in - January 7.

So today I got in a little over 30 miles - It was a great day to be on the bike - Saw a ton of people out on the Trinity trail. Almost ran over a little girl whos prents wherent paying attention. My original route and plan to ride 40 miles got tossed out the window when I took a wrong turn. I did run into a great climb that kicked my ass. I'll def be back for some more of that. My quads cramped up pretty good a couple miles from home...need to pick up some endurolytes. Might have been run down from being sick this week but oh well.

1 comment:

  1. That's what I'm talking about! Don Juan Mexicuan is back on the bike, training to crush souls! Or be pack fodder. Whichever.
