Monday, January 12, 2009

I ran all night and Day..ay...ay

Song of the ride for Yesterday was " I Ran" By "A Flock of Seagulls"
If you don't have it you need to download it immediatly

My Ride yesterday was good. Got in 2 hours, Same route as Saturday. The wife and I went to the movie tavern and saw Seven Good concept, great acting, just slow for my taste. However my chicken tenders and Miller Lite where delicious.

Gonna get in my night ride on Monday and take tuesday off.

Word to your mother

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  1. That pic reminds me of that episode of Mythbusters where they try to build a jetpack/helicopter backpack. Your wheels look like the rotors. I am a dork.

  2. Geeezzz... I just listened to " I Ran" By "A Flock of Seagulls." Why do I want to play Grand Theft Auto all of the sudden?
